Online tutorial

Starting PEEL in Practice

1. Welcome to PEEL in Practice!  To start viewing articles, you need to make sure you are logged in and start the PEEL in Practice application.
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2. Enter your username and password in the fields provided on the left side of the PEEL website:
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3. Once logged in, click Start PEEL in Practice:
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4. You will see a window like the one below:
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Searching by Coding

The typical way to search for articles is by coding (or category). Selecting one of the search categories on the left panel will expand the options for refinement (for example, here we select Classroom Practices, then from that sublist, Group Work).

This initial selection gives 180 results - far too many to reasonably sort through. We can refine the search by selecting  more categories relevant to our interest. Here we add the teacher concern Students won't take responsibility for their learning. Notice that the top left box shows our two search parameters, while the results list has been culled to 29 matches.

Continue adding codings to your criteria until you find a small set of relevant results. In this case, adding Encourage learning from other students' comments from Principles of Teaching for Quality Learning gives just 14 articles, all of which give ideas for creating a collaborative classroom environment.

Relaxing Search Constraints

On the previous page, we created a search with a combination of three categories. We can try other combinations by first removing one or all of the categories we have selected. In the top left box you can click on a category to remove it from the constraint list.

If you forget to do this, your search will eventually contain a mix of codings which yield no results; in this case, just click each category (in the top left box) in turn to remove them from the search.

Viewing Teaching Procedures

You may notice that some of the results in your search are highlighted in yellow, like below:

These articles do not represent specific teacher experiences; rather they are a description of a generic Teaching Procedure (these are available to search, prefixed by unique codes from A1 to H12). Like a regular article, you can double-click on these to view the description.

If an article is related to any of these teaching procedures, a link to the generic procedure description will be available from within the article (it appears as the yellow box in the top right corner).

Searching by Issue

If you are just browsing, you can call up specific periodicals or books. Click the "Issues" button within the application to show a list of all issues.

Searching by Keyword

As well as searching the database by category, you can conduct more traditional searches for specific words. To access this functionality,click the "Search" button at the top of the search screen.  Type in a word to search for and select whether to search the article, titles, the authors, schools (of authors' residence) or a full text search.

Next Steps

This concludes the tutorial for PEEL in Practice. Now that you have familiarised yourself with the basics, you may wish to continue reading some advanced techniques for searching the archives:

  • Types of Searches describes searches that go beyond combining subject and year level, toward searches that are focused on aspects of teaching or learning.
  • Selecting a Focus describes a menu of foci arranged in four levels that progressively advance the reader to reflect on student learning.
  • Brief descriptions of each of the search categories are available.

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