Tutorial activity
This has been done in tutes
Tutorial resource
Does not describe an activity per se, but is something, such as a handout, that could be used in tutes
Case Discussion
There is a case that provides a focus for a case discussion, these are not tagged tutorial activity
unless there is an activity involving more than one case
Interactive lecture
Describes, with any needed resources a lecture activity where students had to do something
more active than listen, these are typically fairly short
Lecture resource
Something that could be used in a lecture, but not framed as to exactly how, some of these are
slides that contain something that may not be easy to get and that, I fell, others could work into
their own lectures without trying to be me
Small group discussion
This is a tutorial activity, not a case discussion unless there is a significant extra layer, where
students will be working together creating something or making decisions
Group presentation
Students have to build a shared understanding and construct a presentation to their colleagues
in the tute
Micro teach
Students have to teach something in ways that are more interactive than just making a
Experience a PEEL procedure
In the tute or lecture, the students experience a "PEEL" procedure. There is usually some debrief
on the actual procedure as well as whatever the content was
Using the PEEL database
The students have to use the database as a resource
Not written as an activity, (so it can be used in more than one way), something that generally
needs to be read in the students time ahead of class
Getting Started/IntroducingNewInformation
These articles discuss ways in which teachers have introduced a major new topic that does not
have links to the previous lesson.
A video resource not written as a specific activity
Blended learning task
These are all collaborative, designed for teams of about 5. They involve a synthesis of out of
class, and partly online work leading to a tutorial presentation
Assessment task
This is a task we used for assessment of our students, the tasks were one where we hoped
students would see some value in the task greater than just a hurdle to pass
Linking theory to practice
In some way this connects or sites theory in the real world of classroom practice
The boundaries between this and learning and teaching are inevitably blurred and many
resources are coded to both, however files coded to learning variously relate to getting (our)
students thinking about learning, providing examples of either quality learning or poor learning,
or helping our students build meaning for various (theoretical frames that can be used to
analyse learning
Linking school work to outside life
These files contain examples of school students engaged in this aspect of quality learning (this
cognitive strategy if you like)
Linking different lessons
Like the above tag, these files contain examples of school students engaged in this aspect of
quality learning, but it also selects activities where Monash students had to do this.
Selects files that are intended to help students build meaning for this concept
Learning & teaching
Selects files where there is a reasonably strong connection between the (school classroom)
teaching (including assessment) and the way the students were, as a consequence, learning.
Most, but not all examples relate to promoting quality learning.
Influences on learning
I have tried to minimise the overlap between this tag and teaching and learning, but there is still
some. The influences may be characteristics of the student (such as a predisposition to deep or
surface processing), or the task (such as cognitive overload).
Student change
Skilled teachers have a strategic (long term) agenda for developing their students as quality
learners, which is more than the laudable skill of planning lessons to generate quality learning.
This is an evolutionary process. The tag selects files that either provide examples of such
change, or of teachers engaged in actively promoting it, or both.
This is a multi-faceted construct. The tag selects files that help students build meaning for what
different aspects of metacognition can be, often by providing examples of what it can look like
or advice on how to promote aspects of it.
Student reflection
Reflection is a critical component of metacognitive learning, but promoting it is not simple.
Moreover, there is a range of things that it can be useful to get students reflecting on. The tag
selcts files that provide examples of different aspects of student reflection as well as ideas as
how how to promote it and to get students seeing value in investing the effort to do so.
Good leaning behaviours (GLBs)
Quality learning can be said to be invisible in that we cannot see thinking, but the list of good
learning behaviours was developed and refined as a list of things PEEL teachers were seeing
that they regarded as signs of good learning. They also provide a concrete way of talking to
students about learning (see Using shared intellectual control and debriefing to build a positive
relationship with a difficult class for one example) and provide teachers with concrete things to
look for as signs of success. This tag selects files that build meaning for GLBs and provide
examples or advice of actively promoting them in the classroom.
Deep v surface processing
Surface v deep processing describes two ends of a continuum that students move up or down
on depending on a number of factors, sometimes a relatively surface processing approach may
be appropriate -to get an unimportant task done, but in general teachers would like a significant
degree of deep processing. This tag selects files that build meaning for the construct and often
provide ideas for promoting deeper processing.
Abilities/mixed abilities
Two things are combined here to keep the number of tags manageable. Ability can be thought
of in several ways and some files tagged to this relate to one of these (e.g.Piaget, Gardner), This
tag also selects articles with ideas for dealing with "mixed ability" groups.
Changes in education
This does not entirely fit under aspects of teaching. It selects files that look at how some aspect
of education has changed over time: assessment, views of learning, the nature of how
educational research is conducted are three.
Teaching skills
Clearly there is a wide range of skills exhibited by good teachers, some of these files look
explicitly at one or more of these (e.g. designing assessment being responsive to student
contributions) others provide examples of skilled teaching without explicit commentary as to
which skills are being shown. Often the unpicking of these can be a 9relatively short) extra
'layer" to the debrief.
Lesson Planning
This is a teaching skill; the microteaching file does contain one template ( not the template) for
planning a lesson, but most files contain a resource that can help scaffold thinking when lesson
planning, (e.g. Aspects of quality learning).
Teacher uses a PEEL procedure
These files are classroom examples of teachers using a procedure that can be found on the
PEEL database; this means you can download or otherwise draw attention to the generic
features of the procedure if you wish -the article or video might describe or show a particular
procedure in action; the generic description allows you and your students to more easily see
how this procedure could be used in other contexts.
Communication & learning
There are strong links between classroom communication and learning and improving how
students are learning almost always includes enriching teacher-student and student-student
communication. There are at least four different types of resources here: some involve our
students experiencing issues of communication and learning (e.g. Exploring the limits of verbal
only communication), some involve our students in analysing examples of communication (e.g.
Analysing a lecture for scaffolding statements), some provide advice in this area (e.g. Ch1
teaching for effective learning), while some explore the effect of different views or beliefs about
learning for classroom communication (e.g. Implications of different theoretical perspectives
for classrooms).
Promoting effective group work
This is another teaching skill and the files provide a range of examples of and advice about how
this can be done.
Motivation and interest
This selects many examples of teachers using a range of ways of generating motivation and/or
interest as well as some advice on aspects of this (e.g. Characteristics of tasks that cater for a
wide range of students).
Assessment issues
This selects resources that explore issues such as the roles of assessment, limitations of
assessment and changes in assessment over time.
Designing assessment
This is a sophisticated teaching skill, the files look at designing assessment that promotes and
supports quality learning, there are numbers of examples as well as some explicit advice (e.g.
Writing effective assessment items).
Classroom management
This is a teaching skill that teacher education is often criticised for not doing well. I always
stressed that important aspects of this had to be learnt in situ -as and after you are teaching a
class. While there is one resource of direct advice (Advice on classroom management) most
files have addressing or anticipating issues of management as part of a wider teaching agenda
(e.g. Not another assignment).
Using ICTs
This small group involve uses of ICTs that may extend our students thinking in this area.
Teacher risk taking
Almost all of these are printed or video cases where it is clear that the teacher, although
experienced, was trying something that they were not at all certain would succedd, generally
this involves trusting students. These can help make the point that developing your practice
often involves taking risks, but the rewards can be high.
Skills of explanation
While we spend significant time breaking down simple notions that teaching is telling and
learning is listening, constructing explanations is a critical teaching skill. These files are nearly
all activities that got our students thinking more deeply about how to do this.
Teacher reflection
All these files contain examples of teachers explicitly reflecting on their practice either before,
during or after a lesson with a view to improving their teaching. In some cases the reflection
reported is confined to a single lesson, in others it can reasonably be seen to be part of an
ongoing action research agenda, in which case it is also tagged action research.
Action research
As just stated there are many examples of teacher reflection that are part of a longer term
action research agenda, but there are also some files that provide examples of action research
projects without actually including the voice of teacher reflection.
Building learning communities
The value of setting out to build a community of learners with each class was a recurring and
unifying theme in my teaching. The files reflect the range of things involved: sharing intellectual
control (say by using students' questions or ideas) (e.g. Getting started coastlines) and the
consequences of this for classroom communication (e.g implications of theorists for
classrooms), building a shared language for learning (e.g. blended learning task 1 video
analysis), changing students beliefs about learning, teaching and teachers' and students' roles
(e.g. students thinking about their roles)and building metacognitive knowledge, awareness and
control of learning (e.g. metacognition in primary classrooms).
Shared intellectual control
This is one of 12 principles of teaching for quality learning that emerged as recurring themes in
what PEEL teachers were reporting as working in generating and supporting quality learning. It
can be done in multiple ways (see Chapter 1 teaching for effective learning) and the files reflect
Students work out content for themselves
This is based on the second of the 12 principles just listed. It resonates with ideas of discovery
learning, but is a broader construct than this. The files contain multiple examples, often
reporting the high levels of interest and engagement that followed (e.g. Pythagoras patterns),
but there are also example where our students experienced this (e.g. the Viking sequence).
Opportunities for student decision making
This is based on the third of the 12 principles listed above. Like all these principles, there are
many types of decisions that students can make; the video resources (metacognition in primary
classrooms and Blended learning task 1) are particularly rich with examples.
Support student risk taking
This is based on the 7th PEEL principle; it is a crucial component of building a learning
community and reflects the fact that behaviours such as offering and defending ideas before
the teacher has provided "answers", challenging or querying something the teacher said, of
taking high levels of responsibility for ones learning are quite reasonably perceived as risky by
many students. As it happens the number of examples of this in this set of resources is not as
many as for the above three tags, there are more in Chapter 7 of Teaching for effective learning;
The voice of the teacher.